3 important things that you should know about your Chihuahua

Chihuahuas can be adorable dogs that inspire us to take care of them because of their small size. Because of this, the breed needs special care to be healthy.

Here you can find three ways of taking care of them.

  1. Watch out for their eyes

They tend to have bulging eyes and being a small breed they’re closer to the ground. Because of this they might get frequent infections. You should always go straight to the vet as soon as you notice any symptoms or damage to their eyes.

  1. Well-balanced diet

It’s fairly easy for a Chihuahua to get fat. Giving them human food is not advised as this is certain to make them gain weight. They should eat kibble specially designed for small breeds. Avoid overfeeding. One serving a day is enough.

  1. Avoid temperature changes

Chihuahuas are very sensitive to changes in temperature. If it gets cold you should have some warm clothes for them at hand. Avoid walking them on a hot day, as they will get tired and could suffocate in the heat. Don’t walk them at noon as this is the hottest part of the day.

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