5 forbidden foods for your dog

If you are one of those owners that like to spoil their dog with human food because you can’t ignore their puppy face you should be aware that their stomach doesn’t work the same way as ours. Some foods might make them sick or maybe even have stronger consequences. Know these five foods that are forbidden for dogs.

  1. Chocolate

Even if it’s delicious your dog should avoid chocolate as it contains theobromine, which is very harmful for our furry friends. Most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomit, excessive thirst and if they have to much of it they could even die.

  1. Dairy

Dogs do not produce the necessary enzyme for the digestion of milk. They can only digest their mother’s milk when they’re puppies. The most common symptom is diarrhea.

  1. Fruit seeds

Some seeds could be harmful for our friends. One of them is the avocado seed as it contains persine. Most dogs are allergic to it and besides damaging their stomach it could cause respiratory problems. Other seeds as such are apple and peach seeds. Because of their light cyanide content they could cause digestion problems for dogs.

  1. Stimulants

Alcohol, soda, coffee and energy drinks are considered stimulants. Even if we drink them every day they could be harmful for animals, as they are for us if we drink them excessively.

  1. Sugar

Sugars or sweeteners are no good for our dogs. These are found in many products such as cookies, candies, desserts, gum and many more.

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