5 tips to take care of your friend’s paws

Most dogs love to be out with us: playing, running and spending their energy. But have you ever thought about how their paws can wear out?

Here we’ll share 5 tips to take care of them.

  1. Walk them when it isn’t hot or sunny outside

Dog’s love their walks outside.. But you should avoid the times of the day when it’s hotter or too sunny outside, specially during the summer.The best time would be early in the morning or around sunset.

  1. Check and clean their pads

It is advised to wash them daily with soap and water. This way you can make sure they’re clean and that they don’t have any encrusted objects. Should this happen, use pliers to dislodge them. If their paw is hurt you take them to the vet to get it treated.

  1. Let their paws to get used to the pavement

One way to do this is to walk long distances on pavement. This way the skin will become harder and it will be less likely to get hurt or burned.

  1. Hydrate and moisturize their pads

Since their always in contact with some sort of surface it’s easy that they get dry and cracked. Because of this you should contact the vet to ask for a moisturizing cream.

You can also use olive or coconut oil.

  1. Massage their paws

It will help your dog to relax and will improve their blood flow. You can start by the pads and in between the paws very carefully to avoid hurting them. Then go up the rest of the paw.

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