Blending in the new member of your family

If you have decided to adopt a dog read these tips that will help you getting him to blend in in their new home and be very happy with you.

-Puppies need a few days to adapt to their new environment. It is common that they cry the first few days. Have a tick-tack clock at hand to place it near them so they can associate the vibration with their mother’s heartbeat.

-Bedtime: Have a comfortable bed ready for them near your own. This will make them feel safe. When they’re more confident you can decide on another place for them to sleep, but the first few weeks it’s important that don’t feel alone.

-Let them explore: Everything is new to your puppy! Let them sniff around and get to know the place they’ll be living in. This will give them confidence and will help create a closer bound with you and his surroundings.

-Health: Go to the vet for a check up and for the shots your puppy will need to keep them in good condition.

-Training: When they’re less than three months old it is better that only one member of the family is in charge of this as they will have some difficulty associating words with what you want them to do.

-Housebreaking: It is advised to take them to they place you want them to use for this every two hours. When they go you should praise them very energetically. They will feel happy and will be more likely to use that place again.

These tips will make a difference during the first few months with your new puppy. Besides helping him blend in their new home, it will help you to have a more balanced life with them.

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