5 forbidden foods for your dog

If you are one of those owners that like to spoil their dog with human food because you can’t ignore their puppy face you should be aware that their stomach doesn’t work the same way as ours. Some foods might make them sick or maybe even have stronger consequences. Know […]

How many times a day should my puppy eat?

Providing an adequate nutrition on time for your puppy is very important. It is at this stage of their lives when they start to acquire customs and habits which will be difficult to correct once they become adults. Remember that puppies eat less quantities than adults, but they need to […]

What should I do if my dog has ticks?

Ticks are small animals that attach to our dog’s skin and feed on their blood. Symptoms may vary according to how many ticks the animal has. Even if they look harmless they can cause severe anemia and even death. Get to know these solutions that we bring you in case […]

Tips to care for your friend’s fur.

Each dog’s fur is different so we should care for it accordingly. This is very important for our best friend’s well being. Here there are some tips to keep their fur soft and shiny: Brush your dog before giving him a bath to avoid difficult fur knots and to help […]

Curious details about dogs

The world of dogs is amazing and there are many unknown details about it. Here we will share with you some very interesting details. Did you know that dogs can learn up to 160 words? Dogs can do extraordinary things, like understanding the same amount of words a three-year-old child […]

The interesting origin of Pugs

Pugs are curious, friendly and loving. Do you know about their origins? This breed comes from China. On 2012 it was declared one of the 30 most famous breeds in the world. These are very loving dogs. They’re among the friendliest dogs. If you have decided for one of them […]