Special needs of older dogs

Older dogs are more prone to some problems or diseases, this means that, even if they can be very lively, they can be more delicate and their particular needs should be cared for. Read the following advice to help keep your lifelong partner happy and healthy. Visit the vet You’ll […]

Benefits of adopting a dog

Having a dog, either adopted or not, has a lot of health benefits: it helps to reduce stress and depression, encourages exercising, etc. Even if all dogs are noble creatures and excellent companions, adopting one comes with certain benefits that you should know before you start looking for one. You’ll […]

Cute and friendly: The Pomeranian

Personality Energic, extroverted, vivacious and intelligent. They’re an excellent family dog. Even so they can be untrusty of strangers and can get irritated around people they don’t know. They’re strong headed and independent dogs. It’s important to let them know you’re the boss, or they could get difficult to train, […]

At what age do they become adults?

A dog’s development has different stages with some specific characteristics. Get to know about the changes that dogs go through their lives. Physical development goes from the beginning of their sexual maturity to reaching their definitive size and weight. When does your dog stop being a puppy? Small sized dogs: […]

5 essentials about Schnauzers

The stache One of their most recognizable characteristics is their moustache. Their physical appearance is strong, elegant and robust and even if they’re not a big breed you can tell they’re strong. Personality They are very intrepid and confident dogs. This traits make them a little arrogant, but they tend […]