Curious details about dogs

The world of dogs is amazing and there are many unknown details about it. Here we will share with you some very interesting details.

Did you know that dogs can learn up to 160 words?

Dogs can do extraordinary things, like understanding the same amount of words a three-year-old child would.

Dogs can see color

They can detect colors, but not in the same way as we do. Dogs can identify blue and yellow. But they cannot do the same with red or orange.

Dogs can get jealous.

Dogs, as humans, have oxytocin in their systems. This is linked to expressions of love and jealousy. Therefore, it’s very noticeable when this happens.

Body temperature

Theirs is higher than humans. For them is between 101 and 102.5 F (38° to 39°C) and for us is between 97.6 and 99.6 F.


According to research, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies and Groenendaels (Belgian Sheepdog) are among the most intelligent dog breeds.

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