Is your faithful pooch overweight? Find out here

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but your best friend could be overweight. It is important to keep this in mind so you can do something about it soon to avoid diseases that might give them health issues later on.

Consider these facts the following facts to determine if your dog’s weight is right for them:

-Observe if they walk with exhaustion and stick their tong out.

-Their figure is different from before and you cannot notice their “waist”.

-You cannot feel their ribs with your hands because of the thick layer of fat around them.

-Their tired most of the time and don’t want to play.

-It gets difficult for them to get up and do any activity.

If you notice more than one of these symptoms in your dog you should consult with your vet, who will offer you the best diet for your dog.

Tip: Don’t give them treats and watch their mealtimes.

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