Some common mistakes that dog owners make

Many dog owners can tell you that when they get a pet many things change at home. This is because having a dog means not only getting to live wonderful times around them, but it also entails many responsibilities, among them is to know how to deal with them. We can develop many feelings for them, but we have to acknowledge that they’re animals and not human beings.

Humanizing them

This is one of the most common mistakes people make with their dogs. Dogs have different needs than we do and it’s important to keep this in mind when having one.

Not having routines for them

This is another common mistake. They need their routines: to be fed at a given time and be taken out at another. If we don’t do this they might develop erratic behaviors.

Not being patient with them

Be patient when you’re training your dog. All of them can be trained and get to understand your commands, but you need to be consistent and realize that it will take some time.

Give them human food

Don’t feed your dog from your plate. If you want to share your food with them, make sure that it doesn’t have any harmful ingredients and place the food in their bown so that they get used to the idea that that will be the only place they’re allowed to eat from, otherwise they’ll feel free to take food from the table and even demand it from you when you’re having your meals.

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