Some essential tips to train of your puppy

All puppies are restless and playful. Many times, they’ll bite on our belongings or will pee everywhere. This could make us crazy and make us think twice about having a pet. Don’t get mad! Here you can find eight simple tips to train your puppy.

  1. Relax a little bit before training the puppy. Dogs are responsive to our mood and it could get harder to train them if we’re not in the correct set of mid.
  2. Look for a place where the puppy won’t get distracted. Some place quiet and with not many people.
  3. Wait until the puppy gets calm. An excited puppy will hardly pay attention to you.
  4. Have a training plan and try for it to be from high difficulty to the lowest.
  5. Give only one command at a time so they’ll have time to process them.
  6. If the puppy doesn’t understand the command say it again firmly and calmly.
  7. Give lots of praise and treats when they obey your command.

Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You’ll have to practice a lot so that they understand the commands.

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