Special needs of older dogs

Older dogs are more prone to some problems or diseases, this means that, even if they can be very lively, they can be more delicate and their particular needs should be cared for. Read the following advice to help keep your lifelong partner happy and healthy.

Visit the vet

You’ll need to go to the vet at least a couple of times a year. You should make sure that they are in good shape.

Special feeding

Observe if your old friend can still chew their food. If this is not the case, you should get food appropriate for their age that’s softer and made with ingredients that they can digest easier.

Short walks

Even if you have an older dog this doesn’t mean that they don’t get to go outside on walks. They need to socialize like any other dog and they should get enough exercise too.

Tip: Try to take them on many but shorter walks.

Constant affection

Older dogs should get lots of affection. Even if they seem sleepy for most of the time, you should find time to show them some love. They’ll be grateful and in a better mood.

Confidence inside home

Many older dogs tend to follow their humans a lot because as they get older their senses get more rusty, so they become anxious and more dependant. Be patient with them and help give them confidence.

Older dogs are a big responsibility. Try to be patient and good to them as they’ve always been with you so you can both enjoy the time that you got left together.

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