Things you should know about your little best friend

Small sized dogs have very specific needs that should be considered to keep them healthy. If you live with a small sized dog and want to know more about how to care for them then read this article.

  1. Temperature changes

Small sized dogs can be vulnerable to temperature changes because they don’t store as much fat. So it’s a good idea for them to wear something warm when it gets cold outside.

  1. Correct nutrition

Small dogs have a faster metabolism than bigger dogs so it’s not necessary to feed them with so much time apart to keep them in shape.

  1. Short nails

Small dogs spend more time indoors. This means that their nails don’t wear off as much (which is a good thing), but sometimes they can hurt. Because of this they should get them trimmed often.

  1. Teeth

Small dogs frequently have dental issues so you need to brush their teeth a couple of times a month.

  1. Small heart

More than 50% of small dog breeds suffer from heart disease, especially after they turn 8 years old. If they pant too much or get tired easily it’s a good idea to take them to the vet.

  1. Cute and restless

We may think that most small dogs are loud and anxious but this can be controlled through proper training.

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